Friday, March 24, 2006
Koleksi gambar team McLaren Mercedes di Bahrain dan Malaysia
(0) commentsSunday, March 19, 2006
Technical Analysis - Grand Prix - Malaysia GP 2006
Ferrari 248 F1 - brake cooling drums
This interesting feature used in Malaysia is an evolution of similar devices seen on cars last year, but Ferrari have taken it to its extreme. The cooling drum not only covers the brake disc and calliper, preventing heat being transferred to the wheel rim, it also creates a seal of sorts with the wheel itself. It completely fills the space inside the wheel rim, not only improving brake cooling, but also dramatically reducing the vortices generated by the rotation of the wheels, hence making this area more aerodynamically efficient.
Red Bull RB2 - additional venting gills
Malaysia is the hottest race and it is normal for teams to improve their cars' cooling capabilities here. Additional vents normally appear on the sidepods to better dissipate the hot air coming from the radiators. Despite the RB2's much-publicised cooling problems in pre-season testing, the RB2 sports just a few additional venting gills underneath the venting chimneys (red arrows and magnified area). These gills are not only efficient, but also neatly integrate into the bodywork design, closely following the sinuous profile of the sidepod.
Renault R26 - additional venting gills
Renault, like most teams, have improved the cooling capabilities of their car for Malaysia, to help guarantee engine reliability in the hot and humid conditions. A couple of additional venting gills have been placed at the top of the sidepod (small arrow and magnified area), requiring no change to the sidepod's profile, and asymmetrical cooling chimneys have been added (large left arrow). Such minimal modifications for Malaysia highlight the reduced cooling needs of the new V8 engines over last year's V10s.
Williams FW28 - front-wing ears
Introduced in Bahrain, this change takes on more significance at Sepang, where downforce requirements are higher. Two inner 'ears' are attached to the inside edge of the endplates (red arrow). These are a development of the fins seen in a similar position on last year's FW27, but they now have a wider role. Look closely and you discover they are divided by a horizontal slit, in effect creating two tiny wing profiles, or a double flap. The two ears work in the same way as a double-decker front wing, but are more efficient at raising the speed of the peripheral airflow, hence increasing downforce, with a minimal drag penalty.
Toyota TF106 - revised turning vanes
The area of the TF105 illustrated is complex and designed to improve the efficiency of the bottom of the car and hence raise downforce. That additional downforce helps to get heat into the tyres more quickly - not a big issue in Malaysian temperatures, but one that is believed to have troubled the team in pre-season testing. There are three main elements (red arrows) - a large, vertical barge board immediately behind the front suspension and then two sculpted turning vanes behind it.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Nilai RM5
Aku terpaksa memperlahankan kereta melalui satu perkampungan nelayan yang kotor, beberapa budak-budak kecil dengan muka yang comot dan hingus kering di muka berlari-lari. Seorang daripadanya tidak berseluar langsung, geli.Ada orang tua berbasikal mengangkat tangan memberi salam. Aku menaikkan cermin kereta, melepaskan rengusan garang.
Ery sudah bangun, mengesat-ngesat mata, menggeliat kasar. Mengeluarkan bunyi seperti kerbau. Perempuan sial, sopannya cuma di depan jantan, tersipu-sipu dan bersimpuh malu. Hipokrit ini cuma tahu bersolek dan berdandan bila mahu keluar, di rumah dia seperti perempuan baru beranak, t-shirt goboh dengan kain pelekat senteng dan rambut usai seperti orang gila, mengeluarkan bau hapak dan masam.
Ada sebuah jeti buruk disitu. Beberapa nelayan baru sampai dari laut disambut peraih-peraih buncit. Memunggah ikan. Ery sudah separuh menggelepar di luar meliar mata mencari Shafik, tunangnya. Aku duduk sahaja di dalam kereta. Aku bencikan pantai hanyir seperti ini.
Beberapa gadis bertudunglabuh lalu dengan menaiki basikal dan memberisenyuman.Aku menghempas pintu serta merta. Memang benar. Perempuan kolot seperti mereka itu, patut dijerukkan saja di tempat busuk ini.Tolol!
Kemudian, datang seorang tua menghampiri tingkap belakang. Aku sedikit marah, mengetap bibir.
"Nak apa?!"
Dia terketar terkejut, sedikit berundur.
"Assalammualaikum nak, pakcik ambil upah cuci kereta.."
Dia bercakap dengan pandangan yang tumpah ke kakinya, tertib dan seperti takut. Di tangannya ada satu baldi buruk air sabun dengan tuala koyak di bahu. Baju kemeja kusam koyak di poket, cuma dibutang dua menampakkan dadanya yang leper ditolak tulang selangka. Seluar hijau pudar senteng.Tidak berkasut dengan kuku hitam dan kaki yang reput. Menjijikkan!
"Basuh sajalah, tapi, awas!! Kalau calar kereta aku, tahulah macamana aku nak ajar kau!!"
Berkata sambil meliarkan mata pada Ery yang tengah tersengih-sengih meramas-ramas tangan dengan tunangnya itu. Duduk pula bersimpuh, membelai-belai rambut. Boleh pula kaki yang asyik duduk terkangkang di rumah itu ditutup rapat.
Orang tua itu tertunduk-tunduk mengucap terima kasih. Ah, miskin seperti ini tunduk-tunduk meminta simpati, tiada maruah. Terus saja dia menggosok satu demi satu tayar kereta. Memberus sambil terbatuk-batuk, meludahkan kahak hijau. Pengotor, sial! Aku mengalihkan mata ke pantai.
Peraih berdekah ketawa menepuk-nepuk elakang nelayan kurus itu. Menyerahkan beberapa ringgit. Nelayan itu tersenyum pahit. Menyelitkannya di celah kopiah. Itulah, siapa suruh kecil-kecil tidak mahu belajar pandai-pandai,masuk universiti dan kerja besar. Tidaklah hidup susah seperti itu. Bodoh!!
"Sudah nak!!"
Pakcik itu datang setelah 20 minit. Aku sudah malas hendak memandangnya, dan kuhulurkan sahaja RM 5. Aku rasa itu sudah cukup lumayanuntuk fakir seperti dia. Cepat-cepatlah dia pergi.Tapi, sebaliknya dia memegang lama duit itu. Tunduk dan menangis tersedu-sedu. Menambahkan kerut dan mengelap mata dengan hujung kemejanya.
"Kenapa ni? Gila?!"
"Nak, seumur hidup pakcik hidup susah ini, pakcik kerja memetik kelapa,mencuci tandas di restoran, kemudian mencuci kereta, belum pernah pakcik terima upah sebanyak ini. Paling banyak pun hanya seringgit."
Dia bersungguh-sungguh melihat ke dalam mata aku.Timbul pula sedikit simpati, sedikit sayu. Rasa yang tidak pernah bertakung dalam hati keras aku selama 25 tahun ini. Dia melipat kecil wang itu diikat simpul di dalam sapu tangan biru muda. Pergi dengan terhinggut menangis dengan baldi buruk ke arah sekumpulan nelayan. Aku memandangnya dengan pandangan kosong. Ini warna kemiskinan, aku tidak pernah lihat. Aku membesar dalam hutan batu, di kota lumpur. Keras diselaputwang kemewahan, kemudian keluar dengan segulung ijazah. Bekerja seperti orang gila untuk duit. Biarlah, kalau aku mahu bantu, ramai lagi di luar sana. Lupakan saja..
Ery memanggil aku dari sebuah kedai makan di situ. Hampir 10 minit aku melayan meluat-melihat Ery yang tersipu-sipu menggagau mee dengan sudu dan garfu. Kemudian, kelibat orang tua itu melintasi kami, menjinjing dua beg besar hitam berisi barang. Hairan, takkanlah dengan wang RM 5 dia boleh membeli barang sebanyak itu. Mustahil. Atau dia memang ada duit tapi,berlagak seperti fakir. Mungkin..Dengan rasa ragu, aku menghampirinya. Dia memberi senyum lembut dan aku dengan rasa curiga bertanya terus.
" Eh, pakcik. Tadi saya bagi lima ringgit, takkan dapat beli barang sebanyak ini?".
Bunyinya seperti meninggi. Pakcik itu seperti terkejut.Dia diam dan tunduk seketika. Pahit menelan air liur. Meletakkan dua beg plastik di atas tanah, membukanya satu satu, perlahan-lahan dan terketar.Aku terkedu. Terkejut dan malu. Pakcik itu mengeluarkan sapu tangan tadi dan membuka simpulannya. Wang aku tadi, masih terlipat kemas.
"Nak, pakcik tahu. Kami ini orang susah, nak. Hidup seperti najis, dibuang dan ditolak-tolak. Kalian pekup hidung melihat kami. Ambillah ini semula.Pakcik juga punya maruah. Kadang-kadang maruah kami lebih tinggi dari kamu orang kaya yang hidup berpura-pura, menipu orang. Harga diri kami masih kuat. Bila anak menyoal pakcik seperti tadi, anak telah memijak harga diri pakcik. Anak seperti menghukum pakcik sebagai orang tua sial yang berpura-pura susah. Ambillah semula, nak."
Pakcik itu meletakkannya di atas tangan aku, dan aku menolak, berkali-kali.Aku sudah menangis, meminta maaf, berkali-kali. Tidak mahu menyentuh langsung wang itu, hingga jatuh di hujung kaki.
"Lihat, itulah tempat duit. Di tapak kaki. Duit itu perlu, tapi jangan sampai ia lebih tinggi dari harga diri. Jangan sampai duit menjadikan kita angkuh dan bongkak. Pakcik ke sana tadi, tempat nelayan memunggah ikan.Pakcik kutip ikan-ikan kembung pecah perut ini yang sudah dibuang ke tepi.
Dengan bangkai busuk ini pakcik sambung hidup anak-anak pakcik, jangan sampai kelaparan, jangan mati."
Mendatar sahaja suara orang tua itu berkisar-kisar dengan pukulan ombak. Diaterbatuk-batuk berjalan, meninggalkan aku dengan wang lima ringgit di hujung kaki, dua plastik berisi ikan busuk yang sudah mula dihurung lalat.Aku terduduk menangis semahu-mahunya. Aku mempunyai wang yang boleh membeli segala kemewahan dunia. cuma aku belum mampu membeli sesuatu yang ada dalam diri orang tua itu.
jika tidak dapat apa yang kita suka...belajarlah utk menyukai apa yang kita dapat.." renungkan
10 Tabiat Yang Menyebabkan Kerosakan Otak
1. Tidak mengambil sarapan pagi
- Apabila seseorang tidak mengambil sarapan pagi, paras gula dalam darah akan menjadi rendah. Ini akan mengakibatkan kekurangan bekalan nutrisi pada otak dan menjadikannya kurang aktif.
2. Terlebih makan
- Ia akan membebankan pembuluh darah otak dan mengurangkan kuasa mental otak.
3. Perokok
- Asap rokok akan mengakibatkan sel-sel otak terjejas atau terbakar dan boleh menga kibatkan penyakit 'Alzheimer'.
4. Penggunaan gula yang berlebihan
- Pengambilan gula secara berlebihan akan mengganggu penyerapan protein dan nutrisi. Selain daripada itu, ia akan mengganggu perkembangan otak yang sihat.
5. Pencemaran udara
- Otak adalah pengguna oksigen terbesar dalam badan manusia. Pencemaran udara boleh menyebabkan pengurangan bekalan oksigen ke otak dan keaktifan otak.
6. Terlebih tidur
- Tidur adalah bagus untuk merehatkan otak tetapi masa tidur yang panjang boleh mengakibatkan sel-sel otak kita mati.
7. Menutup muka ketika tidur
- Tidur sambil menutup muka akan mengakibatkan otak menerima lebih banyak karbon dioksida berbanding oksigen dan ini akan membawa kerosakan kepada otak.
8. Membiarkan otak bekerja semasa kita berada di dalam keadaan kurang sihat
- Bekerja semasa anda kurang sihat boleh mengurangkan keberkesanan otak dan juga membawa kerosakan kepada sel-sel otak.
9. Kurang berimiginasi
- Berfikir adalah satu cara terbaik untuk melatih otak kita. Kurangnya berimiginasi boleh menyebabkan tahap kecerdasan/keaktifan otak menurun.
10. Jarang berfikir
- Jarang berfikir akan menyebabkan otak kita kurang aktif. Oleh itu, perbincangan yang membina boleh menambah keberkesanan kecerdasan otak kita.
Suara Orang Melayu Sudah Mati
Sejak itu orang Melayu menguasai kepimpinan NST dan Berita Harian atau pada masa-masa tertentu wujud jawatan Ketua Pengarang Kumpulan NSTP yang mengawal kedua-dua akhbar berbahasa Melayu dan Inggeris di bawah stable NSTP.
Nama-nama seperti Mazlan Nordin, A. Samad Ismail, Kadir Jasin merupakan antara Ketua Pengarang Kumpulan yang meninggalkan begitu banyak jejak-jejak perjuangan nasionalisme ekonomi orang Melayu dan rakyat Malaysia. Mereka bukan sahaja bersedia mengkritik kerajaan malah sentiasa menjadi benteng negara menghadapi sebarang perbalahan dengan Singapura.
Hari ini, NSTP sudah tidak lagi boleh diharapkan untuk berlawan hujah dengan Singapura. Sebaliknya, perlantikan Datuk Kalimullah Hassan Mesrul sebagai Ketua Pengarang NSTP telah menjadikan budak-budak Singapura menguasai syarikat akhbar orang Melayu dalam bahasa Inggeris ini.
Satu demi satu pengarang-pengarang besar Melayu di kumpulan NSTP terpaksa berundur secara terhormat. Nama-nama seperti Datuk Ahmad Talib, Ahmad Rejal Arbie, Zainul Ariffin secara diam-diam dipencilkan. Bagi Pengarang besar seperti Ahmad Talib yang berpengalaman menjadi Timbalan Ketua Pengarang kepada beberapa Ketua Pengarang Kumpulan sejak Kadir Jasin, tentulah berasa terhina dengan sikap Kalimullah yang menjadikan beliau sebagai Group General Manager, Communications and Editorial Marketing.
Satu jawatan yang bukan sahaja menyisihkan Ahmad Talib daripada kumpulan editorial, malah bolehlah dianggap sebagai menghina beliau sebagai seorang wartawan dan pengarang yang telah lama menyumbang bakti dalam kumpulan NSTP.
Kalimullah bukanlah datang dengan kredebiliti dan integeriti yang hebat untuk layak dinobatkan sebagai Ketua Pengarang akhbar tertua di Malaysia - NSTP. Jika pengarang-pengarang NSTP merupakan mereka yang telah terbukti ampuh dan penuh pengalaman, Kalimullah diparacutkan ke dalam NSTP tanpa sebarang pengalaman pengurusan akhbar yang relevan. Hanya kerana bersandarkan hubungan dengan Nor Mohamamed Yaakob dan kemudiannya Pak Lah, beliau berjaya menjawat satu jawatan yang dulunya hanya dimiliki oleh mereka yang telah teruji dan terbukti dalam bidang kewartawanan.
[Sehingga hari ini kalangan pemerhati media berasa amat hairan dan takjub bagaimana seorang manusia yang hanya layak menjadi wartawan korespondan NST Singapura; tidak lepas security clearance untuk menjadi Setiausaha Akhbar Tun Ghafar Baba (ketika beliau menjadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri); yang telah pun disenaraihitamkan oleh Sanusi Joned (pada awalnya Sanusi turut membantu Kalimullah ini); dikatakan mempunyai hubungan akrab dengan beberapa individu dalam Internal Security Departmen of Singapore; dan gagal untuk mendapat perhatian Dr. Mahathir, boleh dengan tiba-tiba menjadi ketua Pengarang sebuah akhbar yang berpengaruh di Malaysia.]
Nilai kewartawanan Melayu dan Malaysia di NSTP yang dibina oleh Tan Sri Nordin Sopiee, Mazlan Nordin, Samad Ismail dan Kadir Jasin sudah dipijak-pijak dengan perlantikan Kalimullah.
Selain penyingkiran Ahmad Talib, Kalimullah mula menyingkirkan mana-mana editor kanan atau wartawan senior ke jawatan-jawatan pentadbiran bagi membolehkan beliau membawa masuk wartawan-wartawan yang tidak mengambil kira nasionalisme dan semangat Jalan Riong yang dibanggakan selama ini.
Hari ini, Brendan Pariera, koresponden NST Singapura, yang baru beberapa bulan dibawa masuk ke dalam NST sudah dilantik menjadi Editor Kumpulan NST. Ini bermakna selepas Datuk Hishammudin Aun yang menguasai kedua-dua kumpulan, orang yang besar di NST ialah Brendan. Hina sangatkah para wartawan NST yang telah lama memerah keringat menyjmbang bakti ke pada akhbar ini sehingga diketepikan demi seorang koresponden NST Singapura yang dahulunya tiada kerja lain kecuali memburukkan negara Malaysia ini. Jika dahulu NST pernah kecoh dengan seorang ahli politik yang mempunyai taraf PR Australia, hari ini NST sendiri melantik Editor Kumpulan (Group Editor) NST daripada rakyat Malaysia yang memegang taraf PR Singapura.
Brendan bukan sahaja anti UMNO suatu ketika dahulu, malah sepanjang hidup beliau dikatakan mendapat didikan dan asuhan di Singapura.
Tidak cukup Brendan, kini kalimullah membawa masuk agen-agen akhbar asing yang suatu ketika dahulu hanya berkerja memburukkan Malaysia. Mengapa orang seperti Rajan Moses, Nadarajah (bekas koresponden Far Eastern Economic Review) dan beberapa orang lagi bekas koresponden media asing di Malaysia mendapat tempat yang istimewa kepada Kalimullah dan NST?
Sejak pengambil alihan 1972, NST merupakan sebagai benteng intelektual orang Melayu yang menulis dalam bahasa Inggeris. NST juga dilihat benteng terakhir bila berhadapan dengan media-media asing yang cuba memburukkan Malaysia. Hari ini Intelektual Melayu di NST sudah mati.
Lebih menyedihkan bukan sahaja inteletual Melayu telah mati di NST, malah roh dan semangat orang Melayu juga telah mati bila bekas wartawan hingusan NST Singapura dan kini Editor Kumpulan NST, Brendan Preira menulis "Notes From a divise year" pada 25 Disember 2005 lalu.
Roh DEB, Suara Orang Melayu dan jerih perih Tun Razak meMalaysiakan NST akhirnya dikuburkan dengan percaturan politik yang salah, melantik si kitol menjadi penguasa NSTP.
Hari ini, orang Melayu sudah membeli akhbar The Star milik MCA. Kalimullah mungkin berjaya "memaksa" beberapa wakil rakyat dan menteri membeli secara bundle akhbarnya untuk menaikan jualan dan namanya. Namun orang Melayu secara keseluruhan sudah tidak melihat NST sebagai suara mereka.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
F1: Technical Analysis - Grand Prix - Bahrain
Part of Ferrari's revised aero package for Bahrain. The endplates previously sported large slits in their upper section. Now they have small ones in their lower section instead, complete with small, upward-curving fins. The function is similar to before - to reduce turbulence generated by the rear wheels, by helping the boundary layer of airflow passing between the wing and the endplate to detach more quickly, hence cutting drag.
For Bahrain, the 248 F1's front wing features a deep-spoon shape in the centre of the main profile, replacing the additional box wing seen below last year's nose. To make what is effectively a double-decker wing, this is coupled with two additional profiles connected to the endplates either side on the nose cone. The endplates themselves are different - the front section of their top edges are now almost flat, not steeply angled as before. Finally, a small fin is added either side of the nose, just in front of the suspension's upper wishbone pickup point. This acts as a stabliliser and airflow splitter, reducing turbulence in this area.
It is interesting to note that sometimes teams adopt solutions no longer used by the team that originally introduced them. Red Bull's current V keel is one example. The wide nose on the Renault is another. A very similar one was used by McLaren last year, but abandoned in favour of a much narrower design for the latest MP4-21. The advantage of a wide nose section is related to the potential increase in downforce generated by the larger surface area.
After proving its worth on the Renault R25 last year, Red Bull have adopted a V keel solution for 2006. The solution is particularly good - when coupled with the RB2's high nose - at improving aero efficiency in the area under the chassis close to the splitter. The airflow encounters less interference with the V keel, even if it is not quite as efficient as the no-keel concept introduced by McLaren last year and now seen on several 2006 cars.
Kimi Raikkonen was last on the Bahrain grid thanks to a right lower wishbone failing on his rear suspension during qualifying. There are no heavy suspension loads or high kerbs at Sakhir and the failure was down to a manufacturing fault. It does, however, draw attention to the extreme design of components on the MP4-21, with the dimensions of many reduced to the maximum in a bid to save weight and minimise any negative impact on the car's aerodynamics.
This car may be based on a 2002 Arrows, but in Bahrain it was already showing aero developments not dissimilar to features seen on other 2006 cars. The sidepods shrink under the body and sport a huge winglet at the front, resembling that on the Honda RA106 (right arrow). At the rear there is a large flip-up with a pillar connecting it to a smaller, secondary flip-up (left arrow). The barge boards have also been revised, with small fins at their lower edge (centre arrow) to improve airflow management under the car.
Monday, March 13, 2006
F1: BAHRAIN GP Quoteboard
Fernando Alonso – Finished 1st/Q4
"This was a good, fighting win and I want to dedicate it to the mechanics and the team, for some fantastic pit stops and the right strategy. There was a funny incident in the early stages, and I came very close to going out when Massa spun past me in turn 1. After that though, things went smoothly, and I knew that the key time would be around the second stop.
"I looked after the tyres at the start of the stints, so that I had something left at the crucial moment, and I was very confident that we would be able to do it. After that, I managed the performance, the car was running beautifully and I just concentrated on making no mistakes. I think the competition is a little bit closer than we thought overall, but this is the perfect start for the season."
Giancarlo Fisichella – Retired/Q9
"I had the same problem as in qualifying, with a big loss of power on the engine. It was OK for the start of the race, but then I just lost power all the way through the rev range and the car was much slower on the straights. I was still able to fight with the cars around me, but I was a long way from the potential we could do with full power.
"Then I had a hydraulic problem which forced me to retire. The good thing is that we have another race in one week's time, and the car is clearly very quick. I want to bounce back strongly in Malaysia."
Kimi Raikkonen – Finished 3rd/Q22
"This is a great result after the disappointment of yesterday, but we have known that the car was very strong all weekend. We thought that we had a chance to score some points today even though we were starting from the back of the grid, but to get a podium is fantastic.
"The outcome is even more important to the whole team, who have been working so hard throughout the winter, as we didn't know where we were after testing and everyone had been saying that we were struggling. However we really have improved over the past few weeks. It proves that we are competitive and if not for yesterday we could have been even better."
Juan Pablo Montoya – Finished 5th/Q5
"I have not really been totally comfortable with the set-up of my car all weekend, which was clear during all the practice sessions. Obviously I am a little disappointed finishing in fifth as I know that the car could do so much more, but it just wasn't working for me this weekend.
"However it was a steady race and for the team to get two cars finishing in the points could be very important later in the season. The four points I have scored are good considering the circumstances. I am now looking forward to the next race in Malaysia, where we can improve further on these results."
Michael Schumacher – Finished 2nd/Q1
“All in all this is an excellent result and I’m certainly not complaining about finishing second. If someone would have told us during the winter months that this is the way we would have finished the first race of the season, I wouldn’t have believed them. Today we must be really pleased with the result.
"On the other hand, I still have some mixed feelings because it seems that we could have been ahead and could have won the race. Considering how it ended up, it’s now clear that the qualifying lap that wasn’t acknowledged in as far as refuelling this morning was concerned, was the decisive factor that played against us. It’s a pity, because yesterday I had to back off because of the traffic."
Felipe Massa – Finished 9th/Q2
“I must say that it really was a pity. Right from the start of the weekend I had a very competitive car and it’s a shame that I wasn’t able to pick up some points. When I spun I was very close to Alonso and I just touched the brakes but then I lost the rear end and spun off. During the pit stop I lost a lot of time to change the right rear tyre and that’s when I lost any chance of finishing in the points.
"For the rest of the race I was flat-out all the time and I managed to climb back up to ninth. It’s a pity that I’ve come away from this race with no points, but I’m looking forward to get my own back because I know that we have everything it takes to perform well.”
Ralf Schumacher – Finished 14th/Q17
"This weekend has been a struggle from the start. After our problems in qualifying yesterday, we used this afternoon as a test session to collect data to improve for the coming races. I was on a three-stop strategy whereas Jarno was on two stops so at least we can now compare the data from our two cars. This way we can try to learn as much as possible about our new package.
“Of course this was not the way we hoped to start off the 2006 season but we have to take things as they are and try to move forward from here. We don't know where the problem is but hopefully we will soon find out. The early races will be difficult but all we can do is push as hard as we can to move back up the grid."
Jarno Trulli – Finished 16th/Q14
"This has obviously been a very disappointing weekend for the whole team and today was no exception. We chose to go with a two-stop strategy so we could make comparisons with Ralf's data for future reference but it was a hard afternoon's work for me. I just pushed as hard as I could for the whole race - but the harder I pushed the slower I seemed to go!
“I don't know what the solution is because there was nothing particular going wrong, we were simply not quick enough. It's a difficult way to start the season but we will work hard as a team to try and do our best to make up as much ground as possible."
Mark Webber – Finished 6th/Q7
"Today's race was superb, a really good job by the whole team, we really could not have asked for more. Having both cars finishing was very useful, we have collected a lot of data and this will help with our understanding of the tyres.
"Malaysia will be a different race altogether and our performance today will really help with our preparation for next weekend."
Nico Rosberg – Finished 7th/Q12
"I really enjoyed myself today and the final result was a good outcome. Unfortunately I made a mistake at the first corner, expecting that Heidfeld might leave me more room and the incident put me right back.
"However, it was a super effort by the team and I really enjoyed fighting my way up, particularly battling with Coulthard. The final result – seventh place and the fastest lap of the race – is more than I could have hoped for in my first race. Today was a great start and I'm looking forward to the next race."
Jenson Button – Finished 4th/Q3
"Had I not had such a bad start then this could have been a great race for us. The pace of the car was absolutely there but the strategy didn't pan out because I lost places off the start and wasn't where we had planned to be at the pit stops.
"We may not have a podium but we have a very competitive car and if you look at the lap times when we weren't in traffic we were genuinely as quick as anyone out there. I think we go to Malaysia feeling extremely positive. If we can address the clutch issue which caused the problem with the start we will be able to fight even harder with the competition."
Rubens Barrichello – Finished 15th/Q6
"It's a disappointing way to finish my first race for the team but in the early stages we saw a taste of our potential. Jenson and I had a great race with each other early on which I'm sure got a few people excited! Soon after though I knew we had a gearbox problem and I had to try to race with one gear missing.
"I was unable to push and had no chance of a points finish, so it wasn't a good way for me to spend the race. We know that the pace is there so we just have to resolve our problems for next weekend when I'm sure we will have a much better race."
"I flat-spotted a tyre early on when I was wheel to wheel with Nick (Heidfeld), which afterwards caused huge vibrations in the car. There's so much vibration when that occurs, you lose visibility, your eyes are shaking in your head and it feels like you're sitting on top of a spin drier. You can't read the pit board nor the displays in the car.
"The team wanted me to do an oil transfer, but I had to ask them what colour the button was that I needed to press, as you can't read anything when it's like that. It's horrible and rounds off a pretty disappointing weekend."
Christian Klien – Finished 8th/Q8
"After the problems we suffered during the winter, it's great that both cars crossed the finish today. The first part of the race went well and I was able to make up a few positions, but later on I wasn't able to keep the same pace.
"The car’s grip seemed to give way a little and I lost some time. I also had a problem with the clutch. It's a shame that Nico (Rosberg) overtook me in the final laps as it meant I dropped from seventh to eighth in the closing stages."
"Obviously things started badly as Nico Rosberg spun me in the first corner. I lost a lot of places and that ruined my race. I was able to fight back and had a particularly exciting battle with Coulthard.
"It’s difficult to assess our performance after only one race but naturally it’s disappointing when you start 10th and can’t score any points."
Jacques Villeneuve – Retired/Q11
"My start was not particularly great, but I managed to find my way through the first few corners and to stay out of trouble there.
"The race set-up was fine and I settled into a good rhythm. I overtook Coulthard and stayed in front of Raikkonen for quite a while. Then all of a sudden I started to lose power, and that was it."
Tiago Monteiro – Finished 17th/Q19
"Obviously, it wasn't an easy weekend. The T-Car wasn't really set up for me, so it was a compromise in terms of seating position and other things, and fairly uncomfortable to drive throughout the race. But I had to remain focused on the race, pushing as hard as I could to bring the car home.
"We had our share of trouble but, you know, that's racing. Let's hope we got all our bad luck out of the way here so that we can look forward to better results for the rest of the season. The car is definitely faster and better than it was last year. It's not quick enough at the moment, but I'm sure we can find the speed."
Christijan Albers – DNS/Q18
"It's a shame that I didn't get to drive at all, because we were looking forward to gathering more data for Malaysia. It's really unfortunate, because we've never had that (driveshaft) problem before and it's just one of those things that's impossible to predict.
"What makes it even more frustrating is that I think our capabilities were much better than what we showed in qualifying and had we not suffered such bad luck, I think we might have run a reasonable race."
Vitantonio Liuzzi – Finished 11th/Q15
"We were expecting a bit more after the start we had to the weekend. But it was good to see the chequered flag in a reasonable position.
"Unfortunately during the race we did not have the pace we needed.
Scott Speed – Finished 13th/Q16
"I'm pleased to have got through to the chequered flag in my first grand prix without making any mistakes.
The balance of my car was not quite right during the first stint, but we were able to fix that at the first pit stop. After that, I think our pace improved and was good."
Takuma Sato – Finished 18th/Q20
"It is a fantastic result for us. I think that the boys in the garage deserve to be happy because they worked so hard to get us here to Bahrain. Although today we had radio communication and fuel rig problems, which is why there was some confusion during our pit stops, I think that everyone in the team has done a really good job.
"It is a positive step for us and I am very happy with today's result. It was only a shame for Yuji that we could not bring the two cars' home, but it is the great start that the team needed."
Yuji Ide – Retired/Q21
"I wanted to finish the race very much but the engine just stopped. I had the same problem as I had on Friday. Earlier in the race I couldn't put the gear into neutral so I over-ran at the pit stop.
"I don't know what I could do to make the car better but I know the mechanics have been working hard so I feel bad for my lack of experience. I will review the problem with engineers and I will do my best to finish the next race in Malaysia."
LAWAK JENAKA: Teka-teki...
-Seluar panjang kalau dipotong jadi seluar pendek, tapi kacang panjang kalau dipotong tetap namanya kacang panjang...
B) Banyak-banyak mi, mi apa yang tak boleh di makan???
C) Batang apa yang kalau orang pegang-pegang nanti kena gatal-gatal?
-Batang Keladi
D) Bulan dan bintang......... mana anak? mana bapak???
-bulan dan ialah anak, tang tu ialah bapak...( Bulandan bin Tang )
E) Ada orang ni nak naik bas.Dia ada 50 sen saja.Tambang bas ke tempat dia nak pergi tu 60 sen.bagaimana dia nak pergi tempat tu?
-Dia buat muka seposen saja , 50 sen + 10 sen = 60 sen
F) Pak Ali ada sebuah ladang, tetapi dia nak tanam 2 jenis pokok iaitu getah dengan koko. Untuk memenuhi cita-citanya dia pun tanamlah pokok getah separuh dan pokok koko separuh, Soalannya pokok apa tumbuh dulu?
-kedua-duanya tak tumbuh pasal Pak Ali tanam separuh saja..
G) Burung apa yang boleh berdiri, boleh baring tetapi tak boleh duduk ?
H) Banyak2 katak, katak apa yang boleh bercakap?
I) Tersebut kisah,ada seorang wanita yang sarat mengandung dan nak beranak, lalu suami dia bawak lah isteri tu ke hospital..lalu dia melalui FARM dan LOMBONG BIJIH TIMAH..lepas tu anak dia lahir, dan dinamakan FATIMAH, Kenapa ?
-Sebab dia dapat anak perempuan..huar..huar..huar..
J) Kenapa penggali kubur, bila nak gali kubur, dia tak pakai spender?
-Takkan nak pakai spender, pakai cangkul lah...
K) 4 Soalan dengan satu jawapan :
(1)Kenapa pencuri kena tangkap
(2)Kenapa ubi jadi kayu
(3)Kenapa gigi sakit
-sebab lambat cabut
L) Tempat apa ni......peserta dia pakai uniform, selalu bertambah & tak akan berkurangan?
-Tempat Perkuburan...seram tak...hehhe
M) Badannya hijau, matanya merah dan berjalan mengundur, taik warna kelabu taik anjing. apa dia...?
-Lingkaran nyamuk Shieldtox
N) Negara apa yang banjir dulu lepas tu baru hujan?
O) Macammana nak pergi haji kalau duit tak ada?
-Jangan isap rokok. Duit tu kalau kumpul sehari RM5, setahun dah RM 1,800. 10 tahun dah dapat RM 18,000. Dah boleh pergi haji. ..hehehe..
P) Emak Si Katun ada 5 anak. Tuah, Jebat, Lekir, Lekiu. Yang ke 5 siapa?
-Si Katun lah....hehehhe
LAWAK JENAKA: Susahnyer solat maghrib!!!!
pak kasim seorang yg tamak harta.. dia menawarkan anak dara suntinya yg cun melecun kepada golongan yg kaya raya sahaja.. suatu hari datang la seman, seorang usahawan muda ingin melamar anak pak kasim. beliau cukup sifat tanpa cacat cela tetapi beliau malas solat. setelah 3 hari berkahwin.. seman masih duk kat umah mentuanya. setelah azan maghrib berkumandang.. pak kasim mengajak seman utk solat maghrib berjamaah. seman gelabah.. sebelum ini dia tak pernah solat.
lalu seman masuk ke bilik untuk menemui isterinya.
"yang.. camner ni.. abg tak penah solat ni" "takpe bang.. abg ikut je ape yg ayah buat" isterinya berbisik perlahan.... seman pun keluar untuk solat bersama pak kasim. setelah pak kasim takbir.. seman ikut takbir... lalu pak kasim membaca surah alfatihah.. "bismillahirrahmanirrahim..." seman pun turut membaca bismillah dengan lantang... "bismillahirrahmanirrahim..." aisyh! pelik menantu aku ni... mazhab mana yg dia ikut? setahu aku imam je yg baca kuat.. getus hati pak kasim.. pak kasim buat selamba. dia terus membaca surah al-fatihah. seman pun turut membaca surah al-fatihah dgn kuat seolah-olah seorang budak yg baru nak belajar mengaji. pak kasim pelik.. lalu dia terus berpaling ke belakang utk melihat seman.
seman turut berpaling ke belakang kerana mengikut gerak langkah pak kasim. "ish! gila ke menantu aku ni??" pak kasim berjalan ke depan utk menjauhkan diri dari seman. seman turut berjalan ke depan mengikut langkah pak kasim. pak kasim terus melarikan diri melalui pintu depan dan terus menuju ke sawah di tepi rumahnya. seman terus berlari mengejar pak kasim sampai ke tepi sawah.
Tiba-tiba pak kasim tergelincir lalu jatuh ke dalam sawah padi. seman pun turut menjatuhkan badannya ke dalam sawah seolah-olah tergelincir. pak kasim pun terus bertanya kepada seman. "seman. apesal yg ko ikut aku sampai ke sawah ni?"
"ayah.. susah ye nak solat maghrib ni. baru saya tau. sampai kena berlari.."
LAWAK JENAKA: Apabila monyet berdiscuss
seekor monyet tua sedang duduk bersendirian di kaki gunung dan pada suatu ketika ia dikunjungi tetamu...
"Pak Tua, ajarilah kami adab dan pegangan masyarakat monyet agar kami boleh mempertahankan kepada beberapa generasi akan datang."
"Balak sudah ditebang, hutan pun semakin lapang, kami bimbang tempat bergayut semakin kurang."
"Khabarnya binatang lain banyak yang sudah melanggar adat. RUSA dan KANCIL dah banyak berkeliaran di jalan raya, harimau pulak sudah ada bank sendiri, ayam sudah ada restoran, gajah sudah ada tabung, orang utan sudah jadi Maskot Sukan Komanwel."
"Banyak juga binatang yang sudah tidak kenal dirinya. Arnab sudah jadi maskot majalah porno, pil kuda tersebar di sana sini, ibu ayam, bapak ayam sibuk mengutip duit, kupu-kupu malam bersepah-sepah di lorong-lorong gelap, kalkatu sudah banyak yang tertipu dengan cahaya aneka warna di luar sana. "
Monyet tua itu menarik nafas panjang. "Anakku, sekarang sudah akhir zaman. Jika aku nyatakan kebenaran aku pasti akan dibunuh orang. Ketahuilah... setiap inci bumi akan dirosakkan...kerana manusia telah berubah menjadi monyet, " kata monyet tua itu sebelum mati secara tiba-tiba dihempap kuari.....
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Alonso wins with champion performance
Fernando Alonso did what he was used to in the last year by winning after an intense fight. Michael Schumacher and Ferrari seem to be back in the front while Raikkonen completes the podium with a blistering peformance, starting from the very back of the grid. The second Renault somewhat surprising failed to finish the Grand Prix.
When the lights went green Schumacher powered towards the first corner in first place while Button made a bad start and immediately lost third place to Alonso. The Spaniard also overtook Massa two corners later. Soon both Honda cars were in a close battle with each other, overtaking one another several times at the end of the finishline straight. Button finally took charge and was able to close into 4th placed Montoya.
Meanwhile, Yuji Ide was fined with a drive through penalty for irregulaties. 8 laps into the race, Massa missed his braking point while chasing 2nd placed Alonso and slipped off the track, flatspotting every of its 4 tyres. One lap later he would come in for a pitstop that took the Ferrari engineers 47s as they could not find he right tyres for the 248F1. Massa rejoined the track in 20th position. Fisichella who suffered engine problems during qualifying apparently still had problems wih his engine as top speed at the end of the straight was visibly lacking. While Alonso's Renault is good for 305km/h, that of Fisichella only topped 295km/h. The Roman was unable to keep up with the pace of Alonso and was even passed by Webber after 10 laps when the Renault driver made a small error. At the same lap, Button overtook Montoya a an exciting but clean fight.
As expected by the fuel levels from the top ten cars, Schumacher was the first to enter and did so in lap 15. He rejoined the track just in front of the Honda of Barrichello. As Alonso was handed the front of the race because of Schumacher's pitstop, Kimi Raikkonen passed Villeneuve to get just behind the underpowered Fisichella. The latter came in for a pitstop in lap 20, only to retire with a hydraulics problem few laps later.
In the front also Alonso pitted and joined the track 5s behind Schumacher handing the lead over to Montoya. The Columbian and his teammate were on very late first stops which enabled Raikkonen to be within seven seconds from Alonso, who on his behalf quickly closed in on Michael Schumacher. After 25 laps, Montoya had also pitted - and rejoined just in front of Button in 4th place - while Alonso was only 0.8s behind the leading Ferrari.
In the middle of the pack, Nico Rosberg set the fastest lap in his Williams Cosworth. Both BMW Sauber cars were also performing well, with Villeneuve in 9th place. Barrichello in the second Honda had difficulties with the setup of his car and struggled in 13th place.
30 laps into the race, that same well performing Jacques Villeneuve saw his BMW engine blow to pieces. Kimi Raikkonen also pitted and looks set to go for a single stop strategy.
21 laps from the end it is again Schumacher who pits first and embarques a fight on distance between the two leaders. While Alonso was stuck in the traffic, he made several gestures towards slower cars in order to let him pass more quickly, as the Spaniard knows the victory is being played. Alonso had enough fuel to profit from an extra lap of free track, and together with a quick pitstop it was just enough to get the lead as they entered the first corner side to side. As a result, wih 15 laps to go, the top drivers are Alonso, Schumacher, Montoya, Raikkonen, Button, Webber and Rosberg.
While Alonso is in front, he is unable to pull away from Schumacher and after a slight mistake he has to hold off a German attack 5 laps from the end. After that, Fernando was able to pull away 2 seconds in the next five laps. 2 laps from the end Rosberg overtook Klien with an extremely good Williams at the end of the race.
Final results are as follows:
1 F. Alonso Renault 1:29:46.206 10
2 M. Schumacher Ferrari + 1.246 8
3 K. Räikkönen McLaren + 19.360 6
4 J. Button Honda + 19.992 5
5 JP. Montoya McLaren + 37.048 4
6 M. Webber Williams + 41.932 3
7 N. Rosberg Williams + 1:03.043 2
8 C. Klien Red Bull + 1:06.771 1
9 F. Massa Ferrari + 1:09.907
10 D. Coulthard Red Bull + 1:15.541
11 V. Liuzzi Scuderia Toro Rosso + 1:25.997
12 N. Heidfeld BMW + 1 laps
13 S. Speed Scuderia Toro Rosso + 1 laps
14 R. Schumacher Toyota + 1 laps
15 R. Barrichello Honda + 1 laps
16 J. Trulli Toyota + 1 laps
17 T. Monteiro Midland F1 + 2 laps
18 T. Sato Super Aguri + 4 laps
19 Y. Ide Super Aguri + 20 laps
20 J. Villeneuve BMW + 28 laps
21 G. Fisichella Renault + 36 laps
22 C. Albers Midland F1 + 57 laps
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
CPPS: Oil Price Increase To Impact Lower Income Groups
KUALA LUMPUR, March 1 (Bernama) -- The recent petrol and diesel price increase will bring about an immediate and possibly significant rise in the number of poverty households, says the Centre for Public Policy Studies (CPPS).
It will also increase the economic burden of vulnerable groups, especially in urban areas, all over the country, said the CPPS, which is part of the Asian Strategy and Leadership Institute (ASLI).
CPPS chairman Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam said it would like to call on the authorities to closely monitor the impact on the purchasing power and living standards of the poor and lower middle income groups.
He said the centre, which recently submitted a report to the government containing its proposals for the Ninth Malaysia Plan, emphasised that there was a need for the plan to take into account the price increase in its computation of the official poverty line and headcount of the poverty group.
"The official poverty incidence data has been previously criticised for being unrealistic and for underestimating the number of poverty households," Ramon said, adding that CPPS expects the fuel price increase to impact poverty statistics and projections.
The centre also called on the government to ensure that the authorities at all levels to curb public expenditure, especially on unnecessary and extravagant infrastructure, to ensure that public funds are not wasted on uneconomic projects.
"It is important that the government carries out reforms of the public expenditure monitoring system at all levels to ensure that it is efficient, effective and proactive," Ramon said.
"As part of the reform, it will be necessary to bring in the participation of civil society organisations and other independent and competent stakeholders," he said.
In this regard, the authorities should provide full details of how the expected savings from the price increase will be spent on the public transport systems, including the estimated amounts allocated to specific systems in different parts of the country, according to Ramon.
Such information, he said, will provide a degree of comfort to the public that the reduction in the fuel subsidy is being diverted towards worthwhile infrastructure. CPPS also hoped that the recent fuel increase will awaken the public at large to the importance of understanding and scrutinising the Malaysian budget, Ramon said.
"Continuous accountability and prudence will help to ensure that Malaysians are getting full value for their money," he said.
F1: Asal usul Formula 1 :::1950 - 1959:::
1958 - Brabham
1958 - Ruttman
1958 - Phil Hill
1958 - Hawthorn
1958 - Hawthorn
1957 - Pescara
1956 - Fangio
1955 - Monaco
1955 - Farina
1955 - Fangio
1955 - Ascari
1954 - Mercedes W196/Fangio
1954 - Mercedes W196/Lang
1954 - Mercedes W196/Fangio
1954 - Moss
1953 - Nurburgring event
1953 - Italy
1953 - France
1953 - Farina
1953 - Fangio
1953 - Ascari
1952 - Moss
1952 - Farina
1952 - Ascari
1951 - Fangio
1950 - Fangio